Sunday, December 30, 2018

What the beauty of winter taught me

Winter has always been painful for me.  The cold hurts and I get nervous from driving in the snow.  But I remember something that someone told me last year.  It has been on my mind now and then but especially when winter arrives.  This person said if you don't like something, look for the good in it.  Do things that are fun. So, that is what I did. The other day I went up the mountain to take some pictures of the snow.  I took a photography class last summer and I wanted to practice and have fun taking a few shots of the scenery. I saw winter in a different light.  It truly is beautiful in it's unique way.  I came to the Pineview Reservoir and saw this beautiful shot.  So, I took a few.  My mother suggested I submit some pictures to the KSL weather photo contest.  I thought about it and the next day I sat down at my computer and chose my favorite ones.  Later that night, I received a text from my sister stating that my photo had been featured on the KSL 5:00pm weather.  I couldn't believe it.  I had just submitted my photo just hours before.  I looked on line and sure enough, there it was.  I am so grateful for the risk I took.  It reminded me that you never know what might happen.  You just have to try.

A clip of the weather report when my photo was featured.

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